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Hey there, I'm Malhar "Leofierus" Patel 🦋

I am a developer experienced in C++, Java, Kotlin and Python. Along with learning to develop games in Unity with the help of Blender, I am also a competitive programmer who loves coding and learning new technologies.</h4>

Full-Stack Developer | Writer | Budding Game Developer

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Tools of Trade 🔭

C C++ Python Java Kotlin HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript TypeScript Spring Markdown NodeJs Angular npm Express.js LaTex JWT Git MySQL PostgreSQL MongoDB GraphQL GitHub Bitbucket Postman GoogleCloud AWS GoogleAssistant Docker ApacheMaven ApacheKafka VS Code IntelliJIDEA PyCharm SublimeText Illustrator Photoshop PremierePro AfterEffects Blender Godot Unity UnrealEngine Jira Ubuntu Windows

Let's get in touch 🤝🏻

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